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Coaching & Consulting

Consulting for Organizations & Systems
I coach and consult with organizations and systems seeking to understand and unlearn the paradigms and practices that keep us stuck in helping systems (e.g., mental health and related systems) that coerce, dominate, label, or otherwise hold "power over" people. I help organizations and systems think more critically about how to align the values they strive for with the paradigms and practices that can hold those values with integrity. I support organizations and systems to unpack implicit and explicit assumptions stemming from White western colonialist ideology as it applies to mental health practice -- from the history and science of the DSM, to how and why we use psychiatric drugs in the ways that we do, and the multiple national and global movements striving for non-coercive, power-sharing, human rights-based approaches to mental health practice and policy.
I offer education to organizations and systems to more fully understand the history, context, research, and ethics around psychiatric medication use, particularly among vulnerable populations such as children and youth. I support organizations and systems to dialogue and brainstorm about how to practice in new ways, and to practice from a place of greater clarity on issues such as consent, choice, control, a broadened view of the benefits and harms of psychiatric medications, and "power with" rather than "power over" the people our systems are meant to serve.
I consult policy advocates and policy makers to layer additional nuance and critical perspective (i.e., attention to history, power, and ethics) to psychedelic and drug policy reform initiatives. I bring different stakeholders from different camps to the table to listen and dialogue together so that policy advocates and policy makers may listen more deeply to what stakeholder groups are saying and think creatively about how to build out values-driven policy that takes us in meaningfully new directions. In the end, this is about pushing policy advocates and policy makers to go farther in creating disruptive, transformational policy that is still practical and politically palatable.
Coaching & Consulting
Coaching for Individuals
I coach health and mental health professionals and healing practitioners of all varieties to deepen and expand the sacred intention of their work. I help people articulate and refine the gifts of their being and anchor into their gifts so that these gifts may come through in their most powerful expressions. I help people understand, trust, and be in sacred relationship with their own inner guidance channels (i.e., forms of intuition) and to build the confidence to lean on their inner guidance in their health & healing offerings. You have gifts, you are a gift, do you understand the gift of your being and how it wants to pour its expression through you?
In the realm of psychedelic practice, I coach new, emerging, and evolving practitioners towards uncovering what is theirs to do. This offering is for those who have taken all the trainings, done all the experientials, and still, trying to figure out "where am I in all of this? what is my role here? what is mine to do?" People who want to hold their psychedelic work with authenticity and integrity, being deeply rooted in their own gifts, without the fear, insecurity, or scarcity that keeps us guessing, playing small, comparing ourselves to others, or feeling like what we have to offer is not enough.
I coach people (across professional backgrounds) who are using entheogens and psychedelics for personal growth and healing to integrate their insights into their regular waking lives, including their own mindset, relationships, and business and career. People who are seeking real transformation in their lives and are willing to show up to their lives in new ways. People who have been broken open by pain, loss, and unexpected twists and turns of life, and reaching for the extraordinary healing and opportunity to thrive that such 'broken openness' can offer.
What's most essential, is that I coach people who are "in it to win it," with the prize being freedom, clarity, oneness, and fun(!). I am in coaching relationships with people who are playing the long-game. No overnight fixes or quick disillusionment in the midst of a moment of confusion or lack of clarity. People who are willing to stick with the process, meet the moment where it is, and let go the reigns in favor of the best form of partnership there is -- the partnership between us and the creative spirit that moves us.
Coaching for Groups & Teams
I coach people working together in groups, especially leaders and creators, to know themselves and each other from a perspective of higher self and to define and refine their highest offering. I support each individual in the group to tune into their gifts and inner guidance so that, working in collaboration, you know how to lean on each other, what common communication obstacles you might face and support each other with, and how to better trust each other and the process you're engaged in together. As a team, I support you to refine .your vision and goals, sacred intentions, core values, and next steps so that you may co-create with the moment and manifest exactly what wants to pour through you.
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